The Game Of Power And Profit Within A Religion

Note: This blog was written back in November 2020 but for certain personal reasons I did not publish it then, however, I feel like now is a good time to do so.

With the Thanksgiving celebration now in our rear view mirror of the turbulent 2020 year, I have decided to write my thoughts about the recent #GiveThanks Campaign that the prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon Church) issued to it’s membership. Because I am a former member of this church and my family, friends and neighbors are all members, I was bombarded with this gratitude campaign on my social media. Now please don’t misunderstand, I love gratitude and feel that expressing gratitude is a very healthy, good thing and that God loves a thankful heart among His followers. Gratitude is uplifting to one’s outlook on life and can draw our hearts to God who is the giver of all that is good. I am not saying this call to gratitude is a bad thing. It is a good thing, however, it left me wondering if more could be asked by the Mormon prophet in light of current affairs in society. Please let me explain.

You must understand first that the prophet in the LDS church is greatly admired, cherished, honored, reverenced and revered. I would dare say he is idolized by most members of the LDS Church. He is the equivalent of the Pope to the Catholic Church. He is looked to for life guidance, for spiritual revelation from God, for instructions on how to live God’s commandments, and for inspiration of what people need to repent of and improve upon. He is the most important person in the LDS Church and when he says, “Jump” the majority of Mormons immediately jump. Let’s just say that obedience to leaders is of upmost importance in the LDS Church.

With all this power and authority, the LDS prophet could certainly do much good, don’t you think? I certainly think so. I think much positivity has come from this recent obedience bonanza of giving thanks, however, being in the circumstances that we are in at the current time, I would think that admonishing the LDS people to a higher cause would’ve resulted in far more good. This higher cause I’m speaking of is defending the continued loss of our basic rights and freedoms that our U.S. Constitution grants to us. The LDS Church has always declared the extreme importance of the U.S. Constitution and believes it was divinely inspired. They have also always taught the doctrine of freedom and agency as being of upmost importance. During this “pandemic” I have seen our God given rights and freedoms slipping away in the name of security and safety.

Churches have been the recipients of the most rigid restrictions during this “pandemic” and the right to gather and worship how people wish has been denied by government authority. The “pandemic” has brought about severe government overreach in trying to dictate how people live their lives, what they wear, how they care for their own health, how they travel, where and how they shop, how they run their businesses, how they worship, etc. With fear and mass indoctrination through fake science and biased media, our world has become filled with cowering and complying populations hiding behind masks crying for their government leaders to save them. These government leaders have been all too willing to lend their big government hands out to help but this so called help is slowly and sneakily smothering our basic rights and freedoms in the name of safety and security from a virus that has a 99% recovery rate. There has been massive censorship of truth in all forms of media. Our rights to assemble and the right of free speech has been restricted. Our religious freedom has been greatly restricted. Our basic rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness have had strict and nonsensical mandates slapped upon them.

So I ask why does the prophet of the LDS Church not come out with a “Stand Up for Your Rights and Freedoms Campaign”? Instead he says that the solution to our current problems is expressing gratitude. This is like a doctor saying to a bleeding patient, “I realize your arm has a severe laceration, however, my advice is to go home and ignore it and just give thanks for the limbs that you have that are healthy. Doing this will heal your wounded arm.” If Russell Nelson, the LDS prophet, had asked the members of his church to stand up and defend their freedoms, they would have obeyed and we would see big government begin to retreat back to where it belongs–in the hands and voices of the people of the United States (at least in Utah where most Mormons live).

I have been frustrated by the LDS Church’s lack of action to protect and defend basic human liberties when they proclaim to be so pro U.S. Constitution and pro religious freedom. In fact, David Bednar, a member of the quorum of the twelve apostles in the Mormon church, was interviewed in June 2020 about religious freedom and expressed concern that religion was considered a non-essential activity during the “pandemic” and that our right to gather was being infringed upon. He concluded his interview by saying,

“In our understandable desire to combat COVID-19, we, too, as a society may have forgotten something about who we are and what is most precious. Now is the time for us to heed the wake-up call, to remember and to act.”

David Bednar

Okay then, why have they (the LDS leaders) not called their members to action? I do not know their reasoning, however, I have some suspicions that it has to do with their 501 (c)(3) status. The LDS Church is a legally recognized corporation of the State of Utah. The Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3) is something most organized religions and churches apply for. This code basically puts them under the thumb of big government. There is really not much benefit to the churches to do this unless they want to operate as a business and receive special privileges granted to them by the government. Under the Constitution, governments have no jurisdiction in churches whatsoever unless they give their sovereignty to said government.

What Is a 501(C)(3) Organization?

Section 501(c)(3) is a portion of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code (IRC) and a specific tax category for nonprofit organizations. Organizations that meet the requirements of Section 501(c)(3) are exempt from federal income tax. While the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recognizes more than 30 types of nonprofit organizations, organizations that qualify as 501(c)(3) organizations are unique because donations to these organizations are tax-deductible for donors. In general, there are three categories of organizations that may be eligible for the tax category outlined in Section 501(c)(3) of the IRC: charitable organizations, churches and religious organizations, and private foundations. The rules outlined in Section 501(c)(3) are regulated by the U.S. Department of Treasury through the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).


Before the 20th century, Christian Churches were the number one source that people turned to in order to hear about politics and political agendas and learn about political candidates. Many powerful, elitists didn’t like the fact that most average Americans were so informed about politics. With so many informed citizens, most leaders elected into office were honest, wise and morally good people. For those who weren’t so morally upright and who wanted the benefits of a powerful position in government, it was extremely difficult to get elected because the citizenry were so well informed politically. During the presidency of Lindon B. Johnson the Internal Revenue Code 501 (c)(3) was created as a political strategy to silence Christian Churches and ministries and prevent them from getting involved in government matters. Pres. Johnson offered this 501 (c)(3) code to all Christian churches and ministries as a way to become a legally recognized corporation, receive tax exempt status and protection from the government. So this was baited as a tax benefit but technically churches are already tax exempt under the 1st Amendment of the Constitution. So what this law really meant was that you voluntarily acknowledge and submit your church or ministry to be under the direct jurisdiction and authority of the U.S. Government. The U.S. Government is the sovereign head of your church or ministry. You are under their rule, so you have to play by their rules in order to keep the tax exempt status and remain on “friendly terms” and received special privileges. This is why politics can no longer be discussed over the pulpit when in times past, it was common to do so.

Christian Churches who accepted this voluntarily, handed their authority over to the U.S. Government and have been almost entirely silenced, thus allowing evil men and women of government to run rampant with their diabolical work of dismantling and destroying the values and liberties of Christian America. Christianity in America has been almost entirely censored and silenced because the leaders of the churches decided to get in bed with the U.S. Government. Ever since this has happened, prayer has been taken out of the schools, abortion has become legalized, the hippy era emerged shortly after this happened and basic morality has severely declined in America because of drugs and immoral behaviors. It was during the leadership of Heber J. Grant that this was accepted by the LDS Church in 1923.

Pres. Grant was a very business-minded man. His own mother informed him about his reputation among the members of the LDS Church. He recorded this in his diary, “Mother called this morning and we had a long talk. I learned that it was the opinion of a great many of the latter day saints that I was filled with pride and that there was nothing in this [life] that I cared about so much as I did about making money. It was the opinion of some that the Lord should remove me out of my place as I was so worldly minded and so full of pride. I had no respect for the poor among the people” (diary entry, July 19, 1889).

The LDS Church is a corporation. It acts as a for-profit and non-profit entity. It owns hundreds if not thousands of businesses, assets and properties and is involved in using the tithing funds of it’s members to invest heavily in the stock market.

The Church leaders first started to incorporate in 1917. A review of the corporate entities it is comprised of:
“Tax-exempt corporations of the LDS Church include the Corporation of the Presiding Bishop of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which was organized in 1916 under the laws of the state of Utah to acquire, hold, and dispose of real property; the Corporation of the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which was established in 1923 in Utah to receive and manage money and church donations…. The Deseret Management Corporation (DMC) is a management and holding company of for-profit businesses owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). It was established in 1966 by church president David O. McKay to hold
already-existing church assets…. Intellectual Reserve, Inc., which was incorporated in 1996 to hold the church’s copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property.”

There Are Save Two Churches Only vol. II, D. Christian Markham, p. 340

“When a church incorporates, it becomes a ‘creature’ of the state. Having created the incorporated church, the State governs them via corporate law and public policy, grants and revokes privileges, burdens them, restricts them, penalizes them, and can dissolve them.”

Peter Kershaw, “Does the Government Control Our Churches?”

So when leaders say that Jesus Christ is at the head of this the LDS Church, it is not true. The government is at the head of the LDS Church. The churches under the 501 (c)(3) status must be in compliance with government. This was done to censor Christianity and get them out of the political arena. In the past, leaders of churches boldly taught against evils in government and they got involved in government and tried to make changes. Those who chose to accept the 501 (c)(3) code could no longer support any particular politician and speak out against any politician and speak out against any practices that the government had deemed to be legal such as abortion in 1973 and homosexual marriage in 2015. Now churches under the 501 (c)(3) code must remain basically silent on such matters and agree with the will of the state. They basically have sold the souls of their ministries to the government.

A Higher Cause for Good

In an interview with Larry King, Pres. Gordon Hinckley (LDS prophet in 1998) was asked point-blank, “What is your role? You’re the leader of a major religion. What’s your role?”
He replied, “My role is to declare doctrine. My role is to stand as an example before the people. My role is to be a voice in defense of truth. My role is to stand as a conservator of those values which are important in our civilization and society. My role is to lead.” (What Are People Asking About Us? Ensign November 1998, pg 70)

If the LDS prophet’s role “is to be a voice of truth and stand as a conservator of those values which are important in our civilization and society” then why does he not take a stand for the values of freedom and our liberties today? Our God given rights and freedoms are extremely important to our society and civilization! They must be defended! Now I’m not implying that Russel Nelson has the sole responsibility to fix the problems that plague our society and country today, however, his influence as a leader of a very large group of people could accomplish much in reining in the overreaching actions of government power in the State of Utah.

In conclusion, gratitude is a wonderful thing. Giving thanks should be a daily practice for us all and helps us look for the positivity in life. It is something God loves. I am not criticizing Russell Nelson for encouraging people to express gratitude, but what I am criticizing is the fact that with our current world in turmoil about so many things, isn’t there something better to encourage right now such as standing up and defending our liberties that are quickly slipping away before our eyes? Diverting the attention of millions of church members to posting things they are grateful for online instead of being concerned and taking action for freedoms being stripped away from them is the problem. The very freedom of religion is on the line! In my opinion, the LDS Gratitude Campaign is a red herring from the most important issues we are being faced with. The LDS prophet possesses a great amount of power and authority over the Mormon people and by his word, a lot of freedoms could be won back in Utah if the LDS prophet encouraged it, however, I believe it did not happen and will not happen because their hands are tied by the restrictive ropes of the Federal Government but I know for a fact that the LDS Church heavily influences the political arena in Utah through many Utah politicians. Even though the church is under the thumb of Big Brother, the church has become friends with Big Brother in order to procure favor among powerful political leaders. The LDS Church has also become a very powerful institution in and of itself because of it’s great wealth and power over a certain large community of people. Most people elected into political office in Utah are members of the LDS Church and the top LDS leaders have great sway within the political circles here in Utah. Carl Wimmer, a former member of Utah House of Representatives revealed a snippet of the church’s authority in Utah politics during an interview in 2015 when he told his story of why he left the Mormon Church. He also wrote an article called “The Role of the LDS Church in Utah Politics”.

A common question from people is whether or not the LDS Church leadership gets whatever they want when it comes to Utah politics, and the answer is a resounding, “Yes; if the LDS Church wants something in Utah politics, they get it.”

Carl Wimmer, The Role of the LDS Church in Utah Politics

James 4:4 Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.


1 John 2:15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.


Rom. 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.


In the end, I believe Yeshua would not approve of building the Kingdom of God in the manner that the LDS Church has claimed that they are doing. Yeshua was about teaching and living His Father’s word found in the Bible. The LDS Church appears to be just like the rest of the world in seeking power, authority, popularity and wealth. Much of this blog is fact and some is simply my opinion that I’ve formulated based on my observation, research and knowledge. What are your thoughts?


About 4 months have passed since writing this blog back in November. To date, more interesting things have come to light in relation to this subject. The covid vaccine is now being rolled out to the masses. Utah is still under a mask mandate even though many states have lifted their mandates. A friend of mine brought to my attention an article that states that the LDS Church has billions of dollars invested in 1,659 stocks and mutual funds. Included in this list of stock and mutual funds are 2 big pharmaceutical companies that created and manufactured the covid vaccine. For information and facts about this, go to

The LDS Church stands to make a lot of money on these particular stocks with so many people getting the vaccine. And it just so happens that on January 19, 2021, several top LDS leaders, including the LDS prophet, Russell Nelson were widely publicized appearing to get the vaccine.

Salt Lake County health professionals on Tuesday administered the first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine to those over 70 years old in the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. “We have prayed often for this literal godsend,” President Russell M. Nelson said in a message published on his Facebook and Instagram accounts after he rolled up the left sleeve of his white shirt and smiled while a staffer at the Salt Lake County Health Department gave him the shot. President Nelson and his counselors in the First Presidency also released an official statement Tuesday urging church members to “help quell the pandemic by safeguarding themselves and others through immunization” because “vaccinations administered by competent medical professionals protect health and preserve life,” according to a news release…“As appropriate opportunities become available, the church urges its members, employees and missionaries to be good global citizens and help quell the pandemic by safeguarding themselves and others through immunization. Individuals are responsible to make their own decisions about vaccination. In making that determination, we recommend that, where possible, they counsel with a competent medical professional about their personal circumstances and needs.”

Senior church leaders over 70 vaccinated, urge members to safeguard ‘themselves and others through immunization’
President Nelson calls vaccine a ‘literal godsend’
By Tad Walch, Jan 19, 2021

Here they are once again using their power and influence over millions of LDS Church members to get them to take a vaccine. We must ask why. Are they really so concerned over a virus that has a 99% recovery rate or do they just want to make a lot of money on their investments? The LDS Church gives millions of dollars every year to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to vaccinate impoverished countries such as Africa.

LDS Charities, sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has provided relief and development projects in 179 countries, largely through volunteers. LDS Charities contributes volunteer labour to support emergency response, clean water, wheelchair distribution, neonatal resuscitation training, vision care and food production. The LDS Church supports immunisation as a major humanitarian initiative. Toward this goal, LDS Charities has contributed USD 7 million through the Gavi Matching Fund to purchase vaccines and support immunisation programmes in Gavi-supported countries. This commitment already has brought significant resources, visibility and tens of thousands of volunteers to support vaccine rollouts.
During Gavi’s 2015 Pledging Conference in Berlin, LDS pledged an additional USD 1 million for 2015 through the Matching Fund. Contributions received between 2012 and 2015 have been matched by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. In 2016, LDS Charities contributed an additional USD1.2 million in support of Gavi’s vaccine programs, and in 2017, LDS Charities contributed an additional USD 1 million to further support Gavi’s vaccine programs. In 2019, LDS Charities contributed an additional USD 2 million in support of Gavi’s vaccine programs.
Contributions and pledges in total:, Donor Profiles

Many leaders in these African countries are angry and are spreading awareness of the harm that these vaccines are causing their people. Among the harmful reactions to these vaccinations is sterility. One must pause and think hard about why Bill Gates, who is not a doctor, wants to vaccinate so many people in these countries.

For over twenty years Bill Gates and his Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) have been vaccinating foremost children by the millions in remote areas of poor countries, mostly Africa and Asia. Most of their vaccination program had disastrous results, causing the very illness (polio, for example in India) and sterilizing young women (Kenya, with modified tetanus vaccines). Many of the children died. Many of the programs were carried out with the backing of the WHO and – yes – the UN Agency responsible for the Protection of Children, UNICEF. 
Most of these vaccination campaigns were implemented without the informed-consent of the children, parents, guardians or teachers, nor with the informed-consent, or with forged consent, of the respective government authorities. In the aftermath, The Gates Foundation was sued by governments around the world, Kenya, India, the Philippines – and more.
Bill Gates has a strange image of himself. He sees himself as The Messiah who saves the world through vaccination – and through population reduction….Now Mr. Gates and his allies, including Big-Pharma, WHO, UNICEF, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of NIAID / NIH, a close ally of Mr. Gates – and of course, Agenda ID2020, are proposing to (force) vaccinate 7 billion people around the globe, with their concoction of a (so far) untested coronavirus vaccine. This is a multi-billion dollar bonanza for Big Pharma and for all those who support the vaccine. Nobody will really know what the vaccine cocktail will contain. They intend to start with the Global South (Developing Countries) and then gradually move North (Developed Countries).

Bill Gates and the Depopulation Agenda. Robert F. Kennedy Junior Calls for an Investigation
By Peter Koenig, Global Research, February 15, 2021

It seems to all come down to making money and depopulation for the globalists. Is the LDS Church in favor of the globalist’s agenda? It makes one truly wonder! One other extremely important factor is the fact that the LDS Church claims to be pro-life and yet the development of the covid vaccine, among most other vaccines, involves the harvesting of aborted fetal tissue! For me, I need no other reason to say “no” to the covid vaccine than this reason.

“In the under-oath deposition from January 2018, Dr. Stanley Plotkin, the most respected physician in the vaccine industry, and the current scientist that developed more than 80% of our current vaccines on the market… admits to have used 76 fetuses –> THREE MONTHS or OLDER in gestation, in just ONE study related to vaccines.He spoke of using their tongues and hearts…etc. Most were born via waterbag abortion LIVE and intact for proper organ harvesting.” Plotkin states that this was just one of many studies he personally worked on and that many more babies were harvested for other vaccine groundwork studies. He says under deposition… that So many studies were done… that he can’t even recall how many. More than 300 studies… each having dozens of fetuses involved or more. He wrote the book on vaccines for the industry…literally. It is called. Plotkin on Vaccines.

I believe the truth should always be spoken with boldness especially in times such as this! Truth is often uncomfortable and unpopular. If you value the sanctity of life, I implore you to do the research about this! This covid vaccine is not a “godsend”. It’s development involved the sacrifice of innocent life and this is abhorrent to the Almighty God. Three of the companies distributing this vaccine use the HEK293 fetal cell line in the development of it and the other company uses the PER.C6 fetal cell line. You can verify this by going to (

Jer. 17:5 Thus says the LORD:“Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength,Whose heart departs from the LORD.


Ps. 118:8 It is better to trust in the LORD Than to put confidence in man.


Acts 5:29 says, “But Peter and the other apostles answered and said: “We ought to obey God rather than men.”


If being a “good global citizen” means submitting to this, then I will have no part of it! I choose to love what God loves and hate what God hates and abortion is definitely something God hates! Please stand on God’s side and do not be deceived by the world and it’s leaders! I urge you to do the research on these issues and find out for yourself!


    • tlcook6

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